The ideal frequency for password-changing is every six months. When someone has your BYU-Idaho password, they have access to all your BYU-Idaho-associated records, including registration details, graduation progress, grades, email, and financial information. Some of this information can be destructive if it falls into the wrong hands.
A quick and easy way to prevent information theft is to change your password frequently. This keeps potential thieves and criminals guessing, which keeps your information safe. However, while it’s smart to change your passwords frequently, do not change them too often. Changing passwords too frequently can result in weaker passwords that are easier for criminals to guess, which negates the security benefits offered by frequent password changes.
If you have forgotten your password, visit the Forgot Username or Password page. Be prepared to provide your Social Security Number (or 999 number if you are an international student), your last name, and your date of birth.
It may take up to an hour for the password to change system-wide. If you are unable to reset your password for any reason, contact the I.T. Service Desk at (208) 496-1411 or through the Live Chat bubble.
This must be done on a computer because the Create Username option is not available on a tablet or phone.
If you have been accepted to BYU-Idaho, but do not have a username or password yet, verify that you have accepted your admittance offer by visiting the response page. When the page loads, enter your CES NetID and password, and then follow the instructions on the next page.
1. Go to, and click the Sign In button.

2. Select Create username and enter your personal information.

3. Follow the prompts to create a username and password and select Next.

4. Close out of your browser, then wait one hour for the system to update.
This could mean that your password change has not activated yet. Accounts usually take a minimum of one hour to activate. We ask you to be patient. If you have waited an hour or longer, contact the I.T. Service Desk at (208) 496-1411 or through the Live Chat bubble.
The password lockout policy states that after 10 failed attempts at logging into your account, your account is locked for 5 minutes. After those 5 minutes have passed, your account will automatically be unlocked unless further failed attempts occur.
If you have more than 10 failed attempts in a row, you will receive the following error message:
Your account has been locked out due to excessive authentication failures.
Failed attempts can be the result of email, wireless profiles, mapped drives, or mapped printers storing an incorrect password. Keep in mind that if you change your password, it must be changed on every device you use to access a BYU-Idaho network.
If you do not have a security question or do not remember the answer to your security question, contact the I.T. Service Desk at (208) 496-1411 or through the Live Chat bubble for a temporary password reset.
The Mac password management system is called the Keychain. This system stores all your passwords for applications, servers, and websites. Keychains can also remember sensitive information such as credit card numbers or PINs for bank accounts.
While saving your BYU-Idaho password to your Apple Keychain is convenient, saving this information makes your account susceptible to hackers. It is recommended that you remove your password from the Keychain for your safety.
1. Open Finder.
2. Select Applications.
3. Select Utilities.

4. Select Keychain Access.

5. Type byui into the search bar and press Enter.

6. When a list of search results appears, hold down the Shift key, select the bottom result, and then press Delete.

7. Confirm by selecting Delete.

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