You can merge, create, and view archives in Outlook. Sometimes you will need to archive old files in Outlook in order to make room for new files while keeping the old ones accessible.
1. Open Outlook.

2. Select File.

3. Select Info.

4. Under Tools, select the Mailbox Cleanup... option.

5. A window titled Archive will appear. Select Archive this folder and all subfolders. Select the folder from which you would like to archive emails.

6. Select which date you would like to begin archiving on the dropdown calendar next to Archive items older than:. For example, if you want to archive all emails from before February 3, 2019, you would select 2/3/2019. Set the date according to your needs.

8. Click the Archive file, then select OK.

9. Verify that your files have been archived by checking the left column of the Outlook app for an Archives folder under the inbox and other folders.

1. Select File.

2. Select Options.

3. Select Advanced.

4. Select AutoArchive Settings.

5. In the window that appears, check the Run AutoArchive every box, then use the up-and-down arrows to select the time interval that you would like to use.

6. Choose the location of your archive.pst file. This is the location where the archived emails are stored.
When you create an archive, you will usually see that archive in Outlook’s left-hand navigation pane. If you can’t see it, there is an alternate way to access it.
1. Select File.

2. Select Open & Export.

3. Select Open Outlook Data File.

4. Browse to the location of your archive.pst file.
1. Drag messages from the On My Computer folder to the BYUI folder.

2. Select Outlook from your computer's navigation bar, and select Preferences.

For the shortcut on Mac, pres command + ,.
4. Select General.

5. In the window that appears, check the Hide On My Computer folders option.

1. Open Outlook.

2. Select File, then select Export.

3. Select the files you wish to export, then select Continue.

You may be asked if you would like to delete what you are exporting. Choose whether you would like to save or delete, then select Continue.
4. Enter a name for the backup file, choose a location in which to save the file, and then select Save.

1. Open Outlook.

2. Select Preferences.

3. Select General.

4. Uncheck the Hide on My Computer Folders option. Now your Inbox folder should have a drop-down arrow next to it.

5. Select the drop-down arrow to expand the section. You will now see two inboxes: [email protected] and On My Computer.
- [email protected] is your live email inbox on the Exchange server.
- On My Computer is your archive email box.
For more help visit BYU-Idaho's Yammer community for Microsoft Outlook Users.
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