The image below is an example of a user's account information with two different emails appearing in their Outlook profile.

This does not mean there are two separate emails to keep track of.
As shown in the image above, a user's email is sometimes displayed as a BYU-Idaho email ([email protected]) and a [email protected] email ([email protected]). Both email addresses are attached to the same profile. An email sent to [email protected] will go to the same inbox as one sent to [email protected].
Which email should I use to log into a Microsoft application?
When users input their email address, Microsoft is only looking for the BYU-Idaho domain name of "". This lets Microsoft know that a BYU-Idaho user is wanting to log into their school account.

Once the user inputs the email, Microsoft will then open the BYU-Idaho login page, as shown below. Users will then input their username and password to log in. This will take the user to their individual profile.

Ultimately, it does not matter which email to use. Microsoft is mainly looking for the BYU-Idaho domain name. But if you are still not sure, here are troubleshooting options that may help:
1. Read the prompt, they should tell you which one to use. Look for phrases like "email address" or "username".
2. Always try your school email first if instructions are not clear. Your school email is the [email protected] email, not [email protected].
3. Use your [email protected] if your school email does not work.
4. Microsoft should take you to the BYU-Idaho login page if you are not already logged into your BYU-Idaho account.
5. Contact the I.T. Service Desk at (208) 496-1411 or through the Live Chat function if you continue to have problems.
What is the difference between my BYU-Idaho username and my Outlook email?
A username and an email have very similar functions. Both take you to your personal profile.
This can be similar to a person having both a name and a nickname. Benjamin could easily also be called Ben or Bennie. Each of those names are used to refer to the same person.
This is similar to a user's account at BYU-Idaho. Microsoft Outlook simply has two different emails attached to the same profile. Again, having two emails is nothing to be concerned about.
For more help visit BYU-Idaho's Yammer community for Microsoft Outlook Users.
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