1. Log into portfolium.com.
2. Click +Add Project, located in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Select Title box at the top of the page.
4. You can
- Upload files: Upload an attachment directly from your computer.
- Paste a link: Upload an attachment from a personal website
Use More options: Upload an attachment from Google Drive, various social media sites, and/or cloud storage apps.
You can add more than one attachment to a project.
5. After you use Category. You can type in your own category or choose from a provided selection.
6. Click the textbox underneath Description and write a short description of your project.
7. Click the textbox underneath Skills, Tools or Software and type or select skills you used or gained during the course of the project.
8. Click the textbox underneath Teammates to add any friends on Portfolium that you worked with on the project.
9. Click Tags to add hashtags associated with the project (e.g., #creativewriting, #sciencefair).
10. Click Publish to finish the project and publish to your portfolio.
Click Finish Later if you want to save your project in its current state without publishing it.
11. A pop-up will appear listing social media sites you can use to announce the project’s publication. Select any social media accounts you’d like to show and click Publish Project.
Congratulations! Your project is now available for others to view on
1. Log into portfolium.com.
2. Click the icon with Me, located at the upper right-hand corner of the page.
3. A drop down menu will appear. Click View Profile.
4. Click your Portfolio from the menu bar located beneath your name and headline.
5. A list of all posted projects will appear. Locate the project you want to edit or delete, then click the ellipsis
6. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Edit or Delete.
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