Tech Guides (IT Governance)

Forgetting Wi-Fi

Updated on

You may need your phone to forget BYUI Wi-Fi when you change your BYU-Idaho password so you can rejoin the campus Wi-Fi using your new password. You also might want to forget the BYU-Idaho wireless network once you graduate from or stop working for the University in order to prevent your devices from connecting to the network. 

On Android

1. Open Settings and tap Wireless and Network

2. Tap Wi-Fi Settings

3. Choose the BYUI network. 

4. A pop-up will appear showing some information about the network. Verify that the network you have chosen is BYUI, then tap Forget. 

On iPhone

1. Open Settings, and tap Wi-Fi



2. Select the BYUI network. 



3. Choose Forget This Network



4. A pop-up will appear asking if you really want to forget the network. Choose Forget This Network again to confirm that you want to forget the network. This will prevent your old password from automatically trying to connect your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to the BYU-Idaho wireless network. 


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